Podcasting is HOT, but your podcast is HOTTER. If you're ready to move over to Adori, we're ready to welcome you. Moving your show over is simple and painless.
Tip #1: Running Dynamic Ads?
Turn them off! Importing your show with dynamic ads running will import those ads...and embed them. Free (albeit inadvertent) advertising for those brands is probably not what you're going for. Once the ads are turned off, give it a day or two to make sure the cache is cleared and the ad server(s) have fully stopped inserting ads.
Tip #2: Prepare your show for the break
You're ready to move, but your show needs to be ready, too.
Determine the drop date of your final episode to be published on your [soon to be] old hosting platform
Tip #3: Be ready to check your email
Your RSS feed (<itunes:owner>) email address is going to be key to importing your feed to Adori. Make sure you have access to this email address (and update your current RSS feed with the correct email address if you don't have the access needed)
Tip #4: Know where to submit your redirect request
Once you've imported your RSS feed, you'll want to request that your old feed be redirected to your new feed. Some hosting platform require a request be submitting to their support team, while others allow you to complete this directly in the UI. Regardless, give yourself a time cushion to allow this to be completed (if you have a daily show, chat with us and we'll work together to find the best possible approach for you).