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Adori iOS SDK: Sample App
Written by Adori Support
Updated over a week ago

Sample App

You can download the whole sample app from here.

The sample app contains two parts

  1. Playing an episode with Adori Player controls. This part shows how, with just a few Lines of code, you will be able to start playing interactive episodes. Just set up the episode model as in the SDK and call AdoriPlayer.shared.playEpisode. This will play the episode with the embedded Adori Player controller

  2. Playing an episode with custom TagView This part shows how you can play an interactive tag but without using the embedded Player Controller. You will add the AdoriTagUIViewController as a child view in your own TagView.


  3. 2.1.27 Update: This update brings the ability to do playlisting. You will need to reset the Player speed to 1.0 at the end of each item in the queue player. This can be achieved by observing the player as shown in the sample app. Check for canChangeSpeed to be enabled right after we get the new AdoriID to reset the player speed to normal.

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